How to train properly as an amateur cyclist

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Not everyone can visit a fitness club for regular sports training; everyone has their own reasons for this. However, you can do active training both at home and outside.

How to train properly as an amateur cyclist

Not everyone can visit a fitness club for regular sports training; everyone has their own reasons for this. However, you can do active training both at home and outside. The latter option is perfect for runners and amateur cyclists. Regular bike rides over decent distances can completely replace the gym for those who want to maintain health and a fit body. You just need to follow some recommendations so that bike rides bring only benefit and pleasure.

Before going out on the road, you should carefully inspect the bike, adjust all the mechanisms, adjust the height of the seat and steering wheel to your parameters. It is best to buy your own bike, rather than rent it, since only in this case you will be able to feel as comfortable as possible, choosing the most suitable model

Braking should be done correctly and only when necessary, so as not to wear out the disc brakes and maintain the functionality of the pads. To brake correctly, you should reduce speed gradually and stop pedaling as you approach the stop.

The cyclist's riding style. The greatest effect is achieved by riding evenly and making a lot of revolutions. You shouldn't ride too fast or move slowly, looking around, the riding should be as even as possible.

Increase the speed gradually and, if possible, control your pulse. The working rate should not exceed 150 beats per minute. Having got used to the speed of 25 km/h, it will be difficult for a cyclist to immediately master the pace higher by 5 km, so do not raise the bar to 30 km/h, increase the rate by 2-3 km/h, etc.

Don't be afraid to sweat a lot, as this is an indicator of your activity. Sweat removes toxins from the body, and during this period, active blood circulation and burning of excess fat occur.

Ride in any weather. Cloudy skies and light rain outside should not be a reason to postpone a bike ride, set a goal for yourself and do not notice obstacles in the form of laziness and a bad mood, when you want to find any excuse to stay at home on the couch

Take part in bike rides. If you are an amateur but want to challenge yourself and take a step further, take part in bike rides that last 1-2 days. This is not only a way out of your comfort zone, but also a training of strength and endurance. You will test your capabilities and begin to respect yourself even more

It is essential to maintain a drinking regime during any sports training, and cycling is no exception. On a hot day, you should take at least two liters of plain water with you. You need to drink as much as your body requires.

Listen to your body. If you have back, knee or ankle pain, do not overuse cycling, perhaps such loads are contraindicated for you. You should contact your doctor and ask him about the possibility of continuing cycling training.
